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 Knog Oi A stylish bell came out from Knog

Last Updated 2021.02.01

Knog Oi Bell is too cool and sells out one after another

Knog is famous among cyclists as a brand that sells fashionable bicycle accessories that look cool, but Knog has released a bell named Oi, which has become a hot topic. I will.
In 2017, some people may have seen it at sports bike mass retailers.
I learned about Knog Oi Bell around November 2016 and searched for a shop that sells online, but all of them are sold out.
I could barely get it because it was in stock at the shop in Sendai.

Development of Oi bell that started from the fact that bicycle bells are not cool

Why is the bicycle bell so cool?
What if the bicycle bell looks sexy and sounds like an angel playing music?
It seems that the design and development of Oi Bell started from the idea.
It is said that there are more than 100 prototypes that have been repeatedly designed and developed by raising funds through crowdfunding.
You can feel the commitment to design and tone even with just one bell.

Careful attention to be attached to a road bike

The figure above shows the Knog Oi bell body, but there is a dent in the lower part.
What is this dent? On road bikes and cross bikes, brake wires and shift wires are stretched along the steering wheel. It is designed to let the wire part escape to this recessed part.
Since two dents are set, it is possible to adjust how to escape the wire part and the position of the hammer that rings the bell. Not only the design but also the functional aspect is well considered.

Knog Oi Bell is perfect for 2 size road bikes Large


Knog Oi size Corresponding handle diameter
Large 23.8mm-31.8mm
Small 22.2mm

The Knog Oi bell is available in two sizes.
If you attach it to a road bike, the Large size for a handle diameter of 31.8 mm will be perfect.
The Large also comes with a spacer, which can be attached to a handle diameter of 23.8 mm.

Official introduction video of Knog Oi Bell

I actually installed the Knog Oi bell on the road bike

This is a picture of my road bike with a Knog Oi bell attached.
I chose black as the color so that it wouldn’t stand out. If you want to be fashionable, you can choose a color such as silver or bronze to emphasize the bell.
Can you see that the brake wire and shift wire are well missed in the recesses?
Actually, the sound of the bell is elegant, and I think that some people may think that such a sound will not be noticed by the previous person. Is it an expression that the treble range is not too high? It’s not an unpleasant sound to hear.
I think the Knog Oi bell is so elegant that it has changed the image of the bell = warning sound.

Bells are mandatory in Japan. Then let’s put it on coolly

According to the Japanese Road Traffic Act, if you do not attach the bicycle bell, you will be cut off as a violation ticket as poor maintenance.
In that case, it would be good to attach the bell in a fashionable way to appeal.

The bell is a must-have when participating in the brevet, but the handlebars are cluttered with lights and GPS, and there are people who attach it to the seat post because there is no space to attach the bell, but Knog The Oi brevet doesn’t take up too much width and can be installed with a little space on the handle.

If you have all the brevet equipment, you won’t be worried about how it looks, but I think it’s a good idea to attach a Knog Oi bell to make your road bike look a little more fashionable.


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