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Let’s Encrypt – Get a Free SSL Server Certificate with SSL BOX

Last Updated 2021.02.05

Get SSL server certificates for free with Let'sEncrypt

Let's Encrypt header image
Let's Encrypt Comprehensive Portal
Let's Encrypt Project Page: English

Since Google announced in 2014 that it would rank sites that have been SSLized by HTTPS in the top search, sslization of the site has always attracted attention as a new SEO measure.
However, in order to make the site SSL, it was necessary to have an SSL server certificate issued by the certificate authority, and the cost was more than 10,000 yen per year, which was quite costly for those who operated the site at the individual level.
In addition, ssl server certificates were authenticated and issued to the IP address of the server, so if you are using a shared rental server, it is necessary to rent a fixed IP address at the rental server company, and it was even more costly.

Introduction of SNI SSL to link SSL to its own domain

SNI stands for Server Name Indication and is an extended specification of SSL/TLS technology.
To put it simply, SNI SSL has been authentication and issuance of SSL server certificates to the IP address of the server, and to authenticate and issue them to the domain.
Benefits of SNI SSL

  • Since ssl certificates are issued to your own domain, ssl server certificates can be obtained if you have your own domain even on shared rental servers (same fixed IP address).
  • No need to rent a fixed IP address when ssling on a shared rental server

The SNI SSL extension specification itself was introduced in 2003, and it was not a new specification, but it was around 2015 that SNI SSL was available on shared rental servers in Japan, so it took time for SNI SSL to penetrate.

Let's Encrypt Project to Promote SSL Internet

Let'sEncrypt is a public certificate authority (CA) operated by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), a public interest corporation in California, USA.
ISRG is a non-profit corporation established to promote the constant sslization of sites in order to promote secure communication of the Internet. ISRG distributes software that issues SSL server certificates to domains called Let'sEncrypt free of charge in order to promote the constant sslization of websites on the Internet around the world.
Let'sEncrypt SSL server certificates are authorized as certificate authorities (CAs) and can be used in major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.) without problems.

SNI SSL penetration and Let'sEncrypt make it easy to make SSL at all times

With SNI SSL now available on shared rental servers and Let'sEncrypt to obtain SSL server certificates for free, I think the barrier to sslizing sites at all times has been significantly lowered at the individual level.

In this article, I will explain how to obtain SSL certificate for free using Let'sEncrypt using a service called SSL BOX.

Get a free SSL server certificate with Let'sEncrypt with SSL BOX

SSL BOX header image

>>SSL Box

SSL BOX is an SSL certificate service that issues cheap SSL server certificates.
We provide a service that issues SSL server certificates from 1,000 yen per year, including let'sEncrypt's free SSL server certificate. Let'sEncrypt is free, but since the certificate deadline is as short as 90 days, I think that it is also good to introduce a cheap SSL server certificate if you do not want to put the trouble of renewing ssl server certificate.

Get an SSL BOX account

Access ssl box
SSL BOX New Registration 1
Go to . Press the new member registration button to start a new member registration.
Register your e-mail address and enter your authentication ID
SSL BOX New Registration 2

  1. Enter your email address in STEP 1 and press the "Send confirmation email" button to receive emails
  2. Copy the "authentication ID" from the email you received
  3. In STEP 3, paste the "Authentication ID" and press the "Go to registration form" button to go to the registration form.
New Net Owl Membership Registration
SSL BOX New Registration 3
SSL BOX New Registration 4
Enter the necessary information such as member ID, display name, password, etc., check to agree to the terms of use and press the "confirmation screen" to complete the membership registration.
Log in to SSL BOX
SSL BOX New Registration 5
Log in to SSL BOX and go to the management screen

Get SSL server certificates with SSL BOX

SSL box management
SSL Certificate Acquisition 1
Click "SSL Box Management" from the left menu of the management screen to go to the SSL box management screen
Get new with SSL box management
SSL Certificate Acquisition 2
Since it is assumed that it will be used on a server other than net owl, click "Use on other servers"
Complete the procedure for issuing SSL certificates with Let'sEncrypt
SSL Certificate Acquisition 3
Select "Let's Encrypt" by SSL type, enter your domain in the common name, enter the country, prefecture, city, organization, department in English, check to agree to the terms and conditions, and click "Proceed to owner confirmation procedure"
Verify domain owner
SSL Certificate Acquisition 4
Domain owner confirmation is required to issue certificates in Let's Encrypt. Upload the downloaded token file to the server for reference at the specified URL.
Connect to the server with basic FTP to create the specified folder and upload the token file.
After uploading the token file to the server, click the "Start owner confirmation" button
Domain owner confirmation complete
SSL Certificate Acquisition 5
After you have confirmed the message that the domain owner check execution is complete, click Issue certificate to issue the certificate
Download let's Encrypt SSL certificate
SSL Certificate Acquisition 6
Download the SSL server certificate authenticated by Let's Encrypt.
LETSENCRYPT Numeral.cert:CERT (SSL Certificate)
LETSENCRYPT Numeral Int.cert: Intermediate Certificate
LETSENCRYPT numerals.key: private key
You will be opening the above file in a text editor, copying it all and setting up SSL on your server. How to set up ssl certificate varies depending on the server you are using, so please check the manual of the server company, etc.

It is expected that the number of sites that are always SSL will increase in the future

Not only corporate sites, but also sites operated by individuals are expected to increase in the future with SSL at all times.
From the seo point of view, Google has announced that it will dominate the search ranking of SSL sites, so I think it will be a necessary response. If the number of sites that are always SSL increases, I think that the search ranking of sites that are not relatively SSL will decrease, so I think that it is good to always ssl the site with Let's Encrypt first.

The disadvantage of Let's Encrypt is that you need to renew the certificate once every 90 days. It is updated four times in one year.
If you use CoreSSL of SSL BOX, if you contract for 990 yen (excluding tax) for 3 years in one year, the annual amount is 790 yen (excluding tax).
If you can always ssl with Let's Encrypt, I think that it is also good to contract for a long time using such a cheap SSL certificate.

>>SSL Certificate Service, SSL Box


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