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What is Brevet?

Last Updated 2021.01.24

Brevet is a long distance cycling event

Burbe's Finish medal
Source: http://www.randonneurs.bc.ca/
Brevet means certification in French.
It is a long-distance cycling event where you can complete a route of at least 200 km within the time limit with a road bike or other bicycle.
The reason why it is an event here is that Brevet refers not to competitions or races, but to long distance cycling using public roads.
Brevet participants are cycling normally on public roads, so of course they must comply with the traffic laws and regulations of the participating countries.

Audax Club Parisian (ACP)

To better understand Brevet, we're going to talk a little bit about history.
Audax began in 1897 when an Italian cyclist ran 230km from Rome to Naples in one day. Considering the road conditions at the time and the performance of the bicycle, the meaning of Audax was bold.
The cyclist who can run 200km from sunrise to sunset is said to be Audax.
In 1904, Henri Desgrange, founder of the Tour de France, introduced Audax to France. That's the beginning of the Audax Club Parisien Audax Club Parisian.
ACP itself is one of the Hidax organizations in Paris, France, and there is an organization called Randonneur Mondio (RM) to bring together Brevet organizations around the world.
Randonneur Mondio (RM) was founded in 1983 to bring together Audax around the world.

ACP has been conducting Audax events for 16 years since 1904. However, a conflict between ACP and Henri DeGrange caused DeGrange to be stripped of Audax's accreditation rights by the ACP.
Members who wanted Audax to survive left the ACP and set up another organization with Degrange to implement Brevet Audax.

Creation of BRM (Brevet Randonneurs 1diaux Brevet)

Members who remained in the ACP began to host the Brevet de Randonneurs Francaises (now Brevet Randonneurs Mondiaux Brevet Randonneur Mondio) Brevet in 1921, a style in which individuals run at free speeds.
Most of the Brevets (BRM) held in Japan are approved by ACP and hosted by Japan's Audax Japan AJ, commissioned by ACP.

Brevet (BRM) Categories

There are more categories such as 200km, 300km, 400km, 1000km and 1200km certified by ACP and RM.
All completion certifications are conducted by ACP and RM depending on the distance. And the record of completing the Burbe is certified by ACP and RM and published as a record, and will remain in the world until the future.

Brevet is not a competition or a race, but a landone.

Randonneur refers to people who do Randonne (excursions such as hiking in French). If you're riding a bike, there's no support for long-distance cycling. There is a risk of traffic accidents due to changes in weather, miscourses, mechanical troubles, and public roads, but you have to deal with them all by yourself.
There is no recovery car when replenishing or retyreing. It is Randonne to aim at the completion while helping each other on their own or runners in every situation, and it is popular as a cycle sport with tradition not only in France but also in Europe and the United States.
Brevet is Randonne, and participants are considered to be private running during the Brevet (BRM) event, and the organizer (AJ and its affiliated organization organizers) are not responsible.
This is what makes it different from other road bike events, races and competitions. It is a private long distance cycling to the last.
If you understand the spirit of Randonne and take full care of the BRM rules established by the ACP and the traffic laws of each country, so as not to cause trouble to others, you are free to enjoy Brevet (BRM). You are free to enjoy the scenery of the running course, enjoy the specialties around the course, and keep running.

Brevet (BRM) constraints

Brevet (BRM) has strict restrictions.
It is that Brevets must not be held for profit.
All BRM organizers from various places below AJ in Japan gather to hold the Brevet by volunteers, and there is no commercial event element there.


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