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Introducing BROMPTON’s ideal custom

Last Updated 2022.01.06

Introducing BROMPTON’s ideal custom


Since I discovered BROMPTON’s custom swamp, I’ve watched a lot of BROMPTON’s custom videos, but there is one ideal custom as a complete form for customizing BROMPTON. It is a double front chainring. The BROMPTON I purchased this time has 6 speeds (2 speeds on the exterior and 3 speeds on the interior), and it has a gear organization that can cover a wide range from many slopes to flats where speed can be increased, but the top side is enough gear, but climbing For a poor-legged cyclist like me, I want a lighter gear. Therefore, the front chainring is doubled and light gears are added at once for 6th gear.

M12R BROMPTON customized with LORO Tube

YouTube: LORO Tube channel

The custom of this BROMPTON introduced on the YouTube channel called LORO Tube released by the staff of LORO Cycle Works Kyoto store was so amazing that I was shocked.
The body that is the base of the custom is a rare color that you can see the waxing of the frame by blowing rust preventive clear on the unpainted frame with the color called black lacquer. Various custom parts are attached to the black lacquer, but what stands out is the double front chainring.

White Industries’ cool and rugged chainring

The cranks and chainrings used in the front double are American White Industries, a manufacturer famous for hubs and cranks. The cranks and chainrings are machined from aluminum and are rugged, but on the contrary, they look cool.

The chainring and crank are included as a set, but can also be purchased separately.

The crank is machined from aluminum and has a polished finish, giving it a dazzling shine.

There is a front mechanical pedestal for BROMPTON from RIDEA

BROMPTON is not designed to have a single front and a front derailleur to double the front. In order to make the front double, you must first be able to attach the front derailleur, but RIDEA, which is famous for custom parts, has released a pedestal for attaching the front derailleur for BROMPTON.

Speaking of RIDEA, in addition to BROMPTON, we have released a lot of custom parts for small wheel bikes, but it can be said that there was a need for front double of BROMPTON from the fact that such RIDEA has a front derailleur pedestal. increase.

BROMPTON that can be folded without problems even if the front is doubled

There are two problems with the front double.
One is the mounting position of the shift of the front derailleur. Is the other one front double and foldable? about it. The answer is that the front shift in the first problem depends on other shift shifters. That is, if BROMPTON is 6th gear, there are two shifters on the handlebar, an external derailleur and an internal derailleur. In addition to that, the shifter of the front derailleur will be installed, so the handle part tends to be messed up with the shifter. Even in the custom video introduced in this article, it seems that the front shifter is somehow attached to the center of the steering wheel, and it seems that it is still a challenge to attach it well.

And the second problem, is it foldable even if the front is doubled? The problem is that it can be folded without any problem from the conclusion. There are no special precautions when folding, and you can check how the chain folds without problems regardless of which gear it is in.
The chain on the front chainring part is slightly offset, but the chain will not come off completely, and even if the chain does not fit well when BROMPTON is deployed, you can reattach the chain by turning the crank half a turn without problems. Can be done.

When is the custom time for front double?

The timing of customizing the front double is currently undecided. However, we are currently working on a detailed custom,

  • Stem catcher customized
  • Hinge clamp customized
  • Seatpost clamp customized
  • Kickstand customized
  • Easy Wheel
  • Front carrier block
  • L type front hook

Some of them have already been customized, but we are proceeding with such customization.
Even though it is a small custom part, each custom part for BROMPTON is reasonably priced and damages my wallet like a body blow. So, to customize at once, wait until the front double, and until then, I’m thinking of proceeding with customizing steadily.

H&H Stem Catcher

H&H Quick release Seat clamps set Ver.2

Multi-S Front Carrier Block

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Also, we have to keep in mind that as of 2021, the impact of the new Corona will lead to soaring transportation costs due to high crude oil prices, destabilization of supply due to increased demand, and delays in delivery due to this. not.
Especially globally, rising prices due to soaring raw materials are likely to be an unavoidable problem. If there are no more items in stock at the store and new items are backordered, the delivery date will be undecided and the price will likely be revised. In that case, it may be necessary to purchase only the parts first and bring them to LORO Setagaya for installation.
There, we are thinking of securing custom parts in response to the circumstances.


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